Jenna Xavier University
Are you currently attending school? If so, where and what are you studying?
I graduated a year early (May 2019) from Xavier University, I was a finance major.
What is one of your favorite parts about your post-high school experience?
After high school, I was able to continue my passion of working with underprivileged children. Twice a week I was able to work with kids at a program called Homework Club in the city of Cincinnati. The inequality in the education system is transparent through supporting these kids in both a tutor and mentor capacity. Many of them lived in terrible conditions and some were even homeless. They were well into elementary school and still illiterate not due to a lack of capability, but a lack of resources. They have become very special to me over the past few years and I have made it my mission to both spread awareness and create a support system as every child should have the same opportunities for success.
How did you use your scholarship funds?
I used my scholarship funds towards my tuition which alleviated some pressure. I am so grateful to ESL for believing in me and supporting my education.
What advice would you give to your high-school self or those looking to apply for a scholarship?
I think the most important part of the scholarship application process is to be yourself. Share what you are passionate about, show why you are unique. This makes people want to help you and gives you the platform to dream big and accomplish goals you never would have imagined were possible.
Jenna’s Career Update
In July, I began my first job with GE Aviation in their Financial Management Program. This gives me the opportunity to rotate through four positions in the next two years in order to get a broad exposure to the company as a whole. ESL made me believe that I was capable of reaching my goals with this scholarship and helped me gain the confidence I needed to take a leap and go into a competitive program with my sights on eventually moving into a leadership position.
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