Identity Theft

Even though there is no way to guarantee that you won't experience identity theft at some point, there are actions that reduce the risk of falling victim. At ESL, we understand that your personal information is as important to you as your savings. While we don’t have a vault for your personal information, we want to help you keep it safe! 

Things to know:

  • You can get assistance from an ESL Fraud Representative.
  • A fraud alert can make it harder for an identity thief to open accounts in your name.
  • Change your passwords frequently using multiple characters, cases, and numbers.
  • Use a confetti shredder to destroy documents before throwing them away.
  • A security freeze is a surefire way to put a lockdown on your credit.
  • If you’re a victim, order your credit reports, file a police report, and contact the fraud departments of accounts that have been impacted.

Additional Resources for Fraud Prevention: