Saying Goodbye

Nothing can take away the sadness you feel when a loved one passes away. But when someone who cares is available to help, a challenging time can feel a little less difficult.

At ESL, we want to help ease some of the burden that can occur when settling your loved one’s ESL accounts. Our Customer Case Specialist team has the expertise, skill, and compassion to help you settle the accounts for deceased ESL members so you can feel supported throughout the process.

  • Each member is unique, both to you and to ESL, so the first step we’ll take after we’ve learned that your loved one has passed is to review the full breadth and depth of their relationship with ESL.
  • From there, we’ll help you understand what steps need to be taken to settle any accounts, loans or services and then work with you to complete those steps in a timely way.

Things to know:

  • As your main point of contact, a member of the ESL Customer Case Specialist team is available when you have questions or concerns throughout this process. Contact them by
    • Phone: 585.336.1599
    • Email:
    • Hours:
      • Monday–Thursday: 8 a.m.–5 p.m.
      • Friday: 8 a.m.–6 p.m.
      • Saturday: 8 a.m.–2 p.m.
  • Download our guide, “Saying Goodbye is Never Easy,” for more information about what to expect throughout the account settlement experience.