Become a Business Banking Member

When you belong to a credit union, you’re more than a customer or client. You’re a member of a growing organization that’s truly committed to this community.

Membership Eligibility

Your business could be eligible to join ESL if you meet one of the following requirements:

  • Your business is located in the geographical boundaries of the City of Rochester.
  • Your business is one of these eligible companies or organizations.
  • All business owners and authorized signers for your company qualify for a personal ESL membership. Depending on the type of business, this includes:
    • Business owners for DBAs and Sole Partnerships based in New York State
    • All partners for Partnerships
    • All members for LLCs
    • All officers and shareholders for Corporations
    • All members for Funds, Associations, and Non-Profits

How to Apply

Choose how you’d like to open your first ESL business account:

Required Documentation

If you are 18 years or older:

You will need to provide two forms of valid, unexpired ID in your name:

  • Two forms from LIST A OR
  • One form from LIST A and one form from LIST B

If you are a Non-Resident Alien and 18 years or older, you will need to provide:

  • Your unexpired passport from Country of Origin (cannot be from an OFAC blocked country) AND
  • One additional form of ID from either LIST A or LIST B

If you are under 18 years of age:

You will need to provide two forms of valid, unexpired ID in your name. Your ID must also include your address:

  • Two forms from LIST A OR
  • One form from LIST A and one form from LIST B

If you are not able to provide IDs from LISTS A / B, you must provide:

  • Social Security Card in your name AND
  • Birth Certificate in your name.
  • When this additional information is required, your account (Membership Daily Dividend and other subsequent accounts) MUST be opened as a joint account with a parent or guardian who has also qualified for membership AND is 18 years or older.
LIST A (Primary Forms of ID*): List B (Secondary Forms of ID):
State issued Driver’s License with photo (from United States) Any additional ID from List A
State issued Non-Driver’s License with photo (from United States) Bank/Loan/Credit Card Statement with your current address that is less than 60 days old
United States Government Issued ID with photo Utility bill with your current address that is less than 60 days old
Passport with photo Debit or Credit Card
United States Military/Veterans ID with photo Social Security Card
New York State Firearm ID with photo Employer ID with photo

*Please contact us if the address on your ID is not your current address, is a P.O. Box or an address isn’t listed or if your name is no longer the same as what appears on your Primary ID. Further information will be needed to process your membership request.

USA Patriot Act Notice

Important information about procedures for opening a new account.

To help the government fight the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities, Federal law requires all financial institutions to obtain, verify, and record information that identifies each person who opens an account.

What this means for you:

  • When you open an account, we will ask for your name, address, date of birth, and other information that will allow us to identify you.
  • We may also ask to see your driver's license or other identifying documents.