Savings Fees

Learn about the most common fees that are incurred on ESL savings accounts. Click here for a complete listing of all ESL fees.

Your Daily Dividend, Health Savings Account, and Money Maker Accounts include free access to and use of online and mobile banking to check accounts, transfer money, or manage your personal information. This includes online and mobile Bill Pay and mobile deposit.

ATM Fees

Fee Type
Fee TypeESL Owned ATMs
DescriptionFee for transactions done at ATMs owned by ESL. These include transactions such as withdrawals, deposits, and balance inquiries.

There is no charge when you use an ESL owned ATM.

Fee TypeNon-ESL Owned ATMs
DescriptionFee for withdrawals done at ATMs not owned by ESL. You are charged by ESL and potentially the owner of the ATM when you use a non-ESL ATM.

First five withdrawals per month are free with direct deposit or Premier Checking. Owner of ATM may charge a fee.

Owner of ATM may also charge a fee.

Fees may change. 


Overdraft Services

Fee Type
Fee TypeInsufficient/Uncollected Funds Fee
DescriptionThere is not enough money in your account for the amount of the transaction or you have deposited funds, but they are not available for withdrawal for the transaction (checks, automatic withdrawals via ACH and ESL Bill Pay). The item is not paid and returned to the Payee. ESL will not charge a fee, however the Payee may charge a fee.

- Monitor account activity with ESL online banking and/or mobile banking.
- Set up text or email alerts to let you know when your balance falls below a certain amount.
- Transfer funds from another ESL account via an ESL ATM, online or mobile banking, TEL-E$L, chat or telephone banking , or at an ESL Branch.
- Ask about overdraft services, such as ESL Cash Reserve, CheckOK, and Courtesy Pay.

Fee$0 The Payee may charge you a fee
Fee TypeCheckOK Fee
DescriptionOverdraft protection paid from a linked account – Coverage of insufficient or uncollectable funds (from your checks, automatic withdrawals via ACH, and ESL Bill Pay transactions) are paid by a linked account (e.g., savings account). The maximum overdraft is based on the amount available in the linked account.

- Monitor account activity with online banking and/or mobile banking.
- Set up text or email alerts to let you know when your balance falls below a certain amount.
- Transfer funds from another ESL account via an ESL ATM, online or mobile banking, TEL-E$L, chat or telephone banking, or at an ESL Branch.

Fee$5.00 each day an overdraft occurs. No fee when not used.
Fee TypeCourtesy Pay Overdraft Fee
DescriptionOverdraft Service for checks, bill pay, and automatic ACH payments – Coverage of insufficient or uncollectable funds (from your checks, automatic withdrawals via ACH, and ESL Bill Pay transactions) are paid by ESL up to the maximum overdraft. Each overdraft is charged a fee based on the value of the item. The monthly maximum overdraft is $250 for Free and Premier Checking accounts.

- Monitor account activity with online banking and/or mobile banking.
- Set up text or email alerts to let you know when your balance falls below a certain amount.
- Transfer funds from another ESL account via an ESL ATM, online or mobile banking, TEL-E$L, chat or telephone banking, or at an ESL Branch.

Fee TypePOS Overdraft Fee
DescriptionOverdraft service for Point of Sale Transactions – Coverage of insufficient or uncollectable funds (from your debit card purchases) are paid by ESL up to the maximum overdraft. Each overdraft is charged a fee based on the value of the item. The monthly maximum overdraft is $250 for Free and Premier Checking accounts.

- Monitor account activity with online banking and/or mobile banking.
- Set up text or email alerts to let you know when your balance falls below a certain amount.
- Transfer funds from another ESL account via an ESL ATM, online or mobile banking, TEL-E$L, chat or telephone banking, or at an ESL Branch.

Fee$0.01-$5.00: $0

Greater than $5.00: $5.00
Fee TypeReturned Item Fee
DescriptionFor each item you deposit or cash that is returned unpaid. This usually occurs because the person who wrote you the check doesn’t have enough funds in their account to cover the amount.


ATM/Debit Card Fees

Fee Type
Fee TypeReplacement Fee
DescriptionRequest a new card to replace an existing card
Fee TypeRush Order
DescriptionExpedite receiving a replacement card
Fee TypeInternational Service Assessment
DescriptionFee assessed for purchases made in a foreign currency (in person or online)
Fee1% of transaction amount

Fees may change. 


Check Fees

Fee Type
Fee TypeCheck Printing
DescriptionFee to order checks online, in branch, via chat and telephone banking.
FeeVaries by style
Fee TypeCheck Protest
DescriptionFee charged for pursuing collection of a check written that was returned unpaid
Fee TypeCertified Check
DescriptionA guarantee for the payee from ESL that there are sufficient funds to honor the amount of the check written
Fee$5.00 per check

Fees may change. 


Stop Payment Fees

Fee Type
Fee TypeStop Payments
DescriptionTo request the stop payment of a check you wrote that has not been deposited or cashed by the payee.

Fees may change.