Loan Fees

Potential Loan Late Fees After Opening Your Account

Loan late fees vary. Below are the late fees for new loans issued. Contact an ESL Representative by phone at 585.336.1000 or 800.848.2265, use chat banking, or visit an ESL branch to determine your late fee for a loan issued previously.

Auto Loans
Late fees of 10% of the overdue payment of interest and principal are charged if we do not received the full monthly payment by the specific number of days shown in your agreement. 
  • For private sales disbursed at an ESL branch or by mail – 15 days from the scheduled due date

Motorcycle, Snowmobile, ATVs, and Watercraft Loans
Late fees of 10% of the overdue payment of interest and principal are charged if we have not received the full monthly payment 15 calendar days after the scheduled due date.

Recreational Vehicle Loan
Late fees of 10% of the overdue payment of interest and principal are charged if we have not received the full monthly payment 15 calendar days after the scheduled due date.

Home Equity Loan
Late fees of 5.0% of the overdue payment of interest and principal are charged if we do not receive the full monthly payment 15 calendar days after the scheduled due date.

Home Equity Line of Credit
During the 10-year draw period and the 20-year repayment period, payment is due on the 25th of each month. 

Late fees of 5.0% of the overdue payment of interest and principal are charged if we do not receive the full monthly payment 15 calendar days after the scheduled due date.

Personal Loans
Late fees of 10% of the overdue payment of interest and principal are charged if we do not receive the full monthly payment 15 calendar days after the scheduled due date.

Short-Term Loan
Late fees of 5.0% of the overdue payment of interest and principal are charged if we have not received the full monthly payment 15 calendar days after the scheduled due date.