Nonprofit Capacity Building Opportunities Webinar

On Tuesday, June 29, 2021, ESL presented an informational session about the ESL Nonprofit Capacity Building Opportunities, along with details on how to apply for funding.

Presenters included:

  • Ajamu Kitwana, VP/Director Community Impact,
  • Berta Rivera, Community Impact Relationship Manager,
  • Kari Simpkins, Community Impact Coordinator,
  • Todd Butler, President & CEO of Causewave Community Partners,
  • Dr. Seanelle Hawkins, President and CEO of Urban League of Rochester
View the recorded webinar here:

Ready to submit proposals for funding consideration to Strengthening Local Organizations and Systems? Please review the information below to assemble your request.

Submission Details

  • Eligibility: 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations that are current ESL grantees. Preference for funding will be given to organizations whose work is aligned with ESL areas of impact and/or whose work contributes to local collective impact initiatives.
  • Grant Size: There is no limit on the total grant size. Requests greater than $30,000 will be considered when accompanied by agency cost share (e.g.: in-kind or cash match) or other external matched funding. Requested budget and grant request must be commensurate with scale and scope of the project.
  • Funding Cycle: Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Our goal is to make funding decisions within 6 to 12 weeks after submission.
  • Required Documents: Applications should include written estimates of costs and descriptions of how funds will be used. If planning to work with a consultant, please attach a proposed work plan and quote from consultant. Other required documents are listed in the online grant application.

How to Apply

If you are a local not-for-profit organization and have funding needs that align with our areas of impact, we encourage you to make a grant request by completing an online application. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis and funding decisions are typically completed in approximately 12 weeks of receiving your request.

ESL Community Impact Grants Portal

(Best viewed in Google Chrome)

Strengthening Organizations and Systems

Rochester has multiple organizations and initiatives already working together to create a healthy and resilient Rochester. We support these organizations and initiatives by investing in the necessary yet less visible systems, capacities, and policies that ensure they are successful. ESL is particularly interested in:

  • Collaboration between organizations is strong and effective.
  • Data is accessible and shared.
  • Human Capital in the local nonprofit sector is world-class.

This special invitation to apply for grants is designed to provide funds to current grantees to help build organizational capacity including diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts.

Funding Request Information

Applicants may request grant funds in one or more of the following areas:

  • Collaboration: working effectively across organizational boundaries to achieve positive social change in communities
  • Communications: help planning and executing external and internal communications, marketing and outreach activities that build engagement
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: help with building these principles into all aspects of an organization, from policies to programs and from staff to board
  • Funding & Resources: help with fundraising, earned income streams, in-kind contributions, and volunteers
  • Leadership & Governance: develop effective boards and executive leadership teams that are reflective of and responsive to the communities they serve
  • Operations: managing key internal functions like finance, policies and procedures, data, IT, and HR
  • Organizational Culture: help examining and improving the values, attitudes, and practices that shape how the organization operates and interacts with constituents
  • Outreach: connecting effectively with community, donors, funders, and other constituents to build engagements
  • People: recruiting, retaining, and building the skill sets and leadership capacity of staff
  • Program Development and Evaluation: help designing, managing, and evaluating programs that meet the needs of constituents
  • Strategy & Planning: help developing goals, strategies, tactics, and implementation plans designed to achieve organizational goals