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October 2022
As part of Hispanic Heritage Month, ESL invited employees to share some of the experiences in their career path. Join us in learning more about ESL Teller Amarilys Figueroa Cautino at our Geneseo branch.
Tell us about your background and what you like about the Greater Rochester area.
I am born and raised in Puerto Rico. I have an Accounting Clerk Certification, Associate Degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Business Development, and I am currently studying online to complete a bachelor’s degree in Human Resources. In 2018, I decided to move to the United States looking for a better lifestyle for myself and my family, which has been a sacrifice to leave a whole life of friends and family to build a better future and in search of economic stability. It has been a challenge for me since I do not have 100% command of English, but I continue every day striving to learn and give my best. The Greater Rochester area is full of people with dreams and goals, a great community full of Spanish speakers who, like me, came in search of better opportunities.

What is your current role at ESL and what do you like about it?
I currently work as a teller in the Geneseo branch, offering customer service in helping members with their daily transactions such as payments, deposits, withdrawals, and the other services we offer. I really enjoy helping people to carry out their banking activities successfully and guiding them on other services that we also offer outside of traditional banking that many people do not know about.
For how long have you been at ESL?
I have been working at ESL for only 10 months and am gaining so much knowledge for my personal and professional life. Since I arrived in the United States, ESL was the financial institution that I selected to apply at based on the recommendation of a friend. As soon as I visited ESL, I said this is where I want to work when I learn how to speak more English, and indeed after three years of working at a gas station and practicing the English language, I said I think it's time to move on. I applied, went through the interview process and when they called me, I couldn't believe it. It was a challenge I had achieved, and I don't regret having taken that giant step in my life.
What or who has helped you in your career path?
God has been my guide in where I am is because he has allowed it. My family has been my support system and motivation to continue, and I also have my life mentors, people who have been with me throughout my life when I need them most willing to give me advice that I always take into consideration because I know it comes from successful people.
Why do you think it’s important for companies to recognize Hispanic Heritage Month?
It is very important to recognize different heritage months because the community can see the recognition and attention that is given to the roots of other communities and help them see themselves identified in a particular group that is receiving this kind of support. When people see this, it helps them to see that their community can prosper and that doors are open in a particular industry or company. It also helps people relate to the company that is recognizing their heritage and their contributions.
What else do you think is important for people to know?
People should always educate themselves, seek information and second opinions as this will help them expand their mind. We can’t know everything and there is always someone who knows a little more. Never get tired of chasing your dreams, in this life everything is possible. The rule is to follow our instincts and educate ourselves to be able to build our desired future.