Business Switch Support

Changing banks for your business can seem complicated.  At ESL, we know you want the process to be quick; you want the process to be easy. So that’s why we offer Switch Support for your business.  We’re with you every step of the way so you can switch without a glitch. 

Switch Support for Business Banking

Thank you for your business.

With these simplifying steps and our support, we hope that making the switch to ESL is just the first opportunity we have to support your business.

Switching automatic transactions like ACH deposits and withdrawals and payroll processing is easier when you know these pieces of information:

  • ESL ABA Routing Number: 222371863
  • Account numbers from your previous financial institution
  • List of all incoming and outgoing automatic transactions and any corresponding account numbers

Use these forms to help you notify recipients and sources of automatic transactions:

Before you close your old accounts, be sure all outstanding transactions (checks, automatic deposits, and/or withdrawals) have cleared. Then you’re ready to let them know you’ve moved your accounts to ESL.

Thank you for making the switch to ESL. We hope that making the switch to ESL as easy as possible is just the first opportunity we have to support your business. As your needs evolve, we’re here to help, with a full suite of products and services. Take a moment now to check out all the resources available on and then, talk to us to learn more!

At ESL, you’re good to grow.

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