ESL Provides $3.2 Million in Grants in Fourth Quarter to Nonprofit Organizations throughout the Greater Rochester Region
The 91 grants will help support organizations providing necessary services and programs for individuals and families throughout the community.
Rochester, NY — In the fourth quarter of 2024, ESL awarded 91 grants for a total of $3.2 million to local organizations providing necessary services and programs to individuals and families.
“We are proud to support our community partners and committed to funding programs that help build a stronger Greater Rochester region.” said Maureen Wolfe, executive vice president/director, human resource and community impact, ESL Federal Credit Union. “By working together, we can help individuals and families thrive, creating more resilient communities for generations to come.”
ESL and its Community Impact team partners with and reinvests in the community through philanthropic grants aligned with expanding individual opportunity through quality education and employment, building strong neighborhoods that are affordable and connected, and strengthening organizations. The team also works to share stories that highlight the positive, measurable outcomes of this important, benevolent work in the community.
A sample of the organizations that received grant commitments from ESL include:
Organization: YWCA of Rochester and Monroe County
Project Title: Rapid Re-housing: A Proven Solution to Homelessness
Grant Awarded: $345,825
Description: As a collaboration among YWCA, Willow Domestic Violence Center, and Legal Aid Society, this program supports community members by providing short-term rental assistance, such as rent or security deposits, with up to two years of supportive services. This program offers individuals access to private housing stock, giving them a choice in where they live and helps avoid concentration of poverty in any one area.
Organization: Coordinated Care Services
Project Title: Our Local History
Grant Awarded: $675,000
Description: This local history project consists of a team committed to empowering students, educators, and communities with instructional resources about their local history of racism and civil rights. The project supports students, educators, and community members in the co-creation, implementation, and evaluation of a curriculum and reaches 22 Monroe County school districts and a growing number of schools across the six-county region.
Organization: St. Ann’s Foundation
Project Title: Advancing Workforce Stability at St. Ann's Community
Grant Awarded: $35,000
Description: St. Ann’s Community seeks funding to support the retention, persistence, and upward mobility of our low-wage employees, who face challenges such as economic instability and limited advancement opportunities. By addressing these systemic barriers, we aim to improve staff well-being, promote career growth, and foster a stable, engaged workforce dedicated to caring for underserved elders.
Organization: Kool Nerd Foundation
Project Title: Healthcare Industry Awareness Courses
Grant Awarded: $17,500
Description: The mission of the Kool Nerd Foundation is to provide underserved and underemployed young adults with access and education to STEM based careers to increase economic empowerment within underserved communities. With healthcare as one the fastest growing sectors of the economy, this program is designed to introduce students to the healthcare industry at an early age and inform them of careers within the industry that are typically not highlighted.
Organization: Geneva Historical Society
Project Title: A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words: 2025 Art Exhibits and Programs
Grant Awarded: $5,000
Description: In partnering with other community organizations and participating in community events, the Geneva Historical Society can share Geneva’s stories with a broad audience. The organization uses a variety of formats and locations to reach current audiences while engaging new ones to help them connect to both contemporary stories about Geneva’s past and encourage an interest in American history.