The Basics on Keeping Your Small Business Cyber-safe

In an ever-changing, technological world, it’s essential that your small business is protected. By always trying to stay a few steps ahead and being prepared for a variety of scenarios, you can minimize your risk of a threat.

Read on to learn how to best enhance your cyber security and keep your small business safe.

Have a Plan

Having a formal plan in writing keeps everyone associated with your small business on the same page. The plan should be enforced and cover all aspects of cyber security, from how access to sensitive information is controlled to data encryption.

Educate your Team

After the plan is implemented, clearly communicate the plan and policies to your employees, and have it available for them to reference. They should know the risks associated with cyber security and the effects their actions and behaviors can have on the company. Constantly train your team to do the right thing.

Take Precautions

Instead of having important passwords, documents, and access available to all employees, it is recommended that they only be allowed by a few people. Although it doesn’t completely eliminate any kind of risk, it will minimize it.

Issues like financial transactions of a certain limit, signing authority, and access to authorized areas should be limited to a few trusted employees. It’s also key to have the most up-to-date versions of all software installed, including data protecting, antivirus, and malware-spotting software.

Stay Alert and Aware

No matter how many precautions are in place, continue to monitor transactions, accounts, and key documents for anything that looks out of the ordinary. Have an incident response plan in case something looks suspicious — time is of the essence when a security or cyber breach occurs. The plan should be practiced so all employees are trained on how to handle the situation.

Looking for more tips to running your small business? Visit here.