Inspiring Stories from ESL Business Banking Clients: ID Signsystems

Q&A with President Paul Dudley

September 2023

Tell us about ID Signsystems.

ID Signsystems is a women-owned architectural sign business. We were formed in 2005 by Katrina Beatty and me.

What do you like most about the business?

We love our work. It’s a totally sculptural design-led experience where we design and build the most incredible three-dimensional sign solutions that positively impact our clients and their customers as they navigate in a wide range of environments. One day we could be designing the wayfinding signage of a hospital sign system, another day it could be the system for a new campus wide sign program, rebranding a corporate headquarters building or creating elegant gateway signage for a town or trail client.

What do you like about working in Rochester and having your business in the Greater Rochester region?

The business community in the Greater Rochester region is often recognized nationally and globally for its innovation and quality of work in many industries. Its reputation through word of mouth helped ID Signsystems, a sign and lighting company, secure new contracts with a major hospital in New York City and a university campus in New Jersey in addition to its work in cities that include Rochester, Syracuse, and Baltimore.

We have access to a highly trained workforce at every level, whether its designers from local colleges or skilled sign fabricators with talent in multiple disciplines from the talented regional workforce.

“Your people make your business, without them you are never going to succeed, always hire.”
- Paul Dudley, President, ID Signsystems

What are some of your challenges and how do you navigate these?

Just as with any business, challenges do arise. Our main challenges recently have been managing major project slippage due to project delays, some caused by the long-term construction delays from COVID and other issues being contractor based. These issues have a negative impact on our schedule, material supplies, and cash flow.

The team at ID Signsystems navigates these challenges, and through its reputation for innovative designs and product quality, the company’s client base continues to expand beyond the region.

What tips would you share with others, whether it’s for someone starting a business or a veteran business owner?

Know your market, stay laser focused, vet the projects you engage in, communicate clearly internally and externally, and have a great relationship with your bank.

What has it been like working with ESL?

ESL has supported us every step of the way, always supporting our requests for additional financing when we took on larger and larger projects. We see ESL as an integral part of the ID Signsystems strategic team, quietly supporting us as we have grown, and giving advice and support when needed.

To learn more about ID Signsystems, visit