ESL Cash Guarantee

ESL offers eligible buyers who have 10% of the purchase price and a 700+ verified credit score the option to write their contract free of a mortgage contingency. ESL will provide a cash guarantee that will ensure funds at closing. A cash guarantee for eligible homebuyers provides a competitive advantage that can help secure a new home.


  • 700+ verified credit score
  • Buyer must make a 10% deposit1
  • Maximum loan amount of $766,550
  • Maximum loan-to-value (LTV) up to 97%
  • Debt-to-Income ratio must not exceed 45%
  • Primary Single-Family Residence and second homes; excludes Condominiums
  • ESL lends to all counties in New York State except for Bronx, Dutchess, Kings, Nassau, New York (Manhattan), Orange, Putnam, Queens, Richmond (Staten Island), Rockland, Suffolk, Sullivan, Ulster, and Westchester Counties.

Contact a Business Development Mortgage Originator today to learn more about the Cash Guarantee and to determine your eligibility.

1: A 10% deposit is required for this program. Buyer agrees that in the event they default under the Cash Guarantee Agreement and/or the Residential Contract of Sale, ESL Federal Credit Union has the right to acquire the property and use the deposit for its costs and expenses in purchasing and reselling the property. If the value of the property, as determined by an appraisal is less than the accepted purchase price, buyer is solely responsible for paying the difference between the purchase price and the new mortgage amount resulting from the appraisal.

ESL lends to all counties in New York State except for Bronx, Dutchess, Kings, Nassau, New York (Manhattan), Orange, Putnam, Queens, Richmond (Staten Island),Rockland, Suffolk, Sullivan, Ulster, and Westchester Counties. Buyer must meet eligibility requirements. ESL Cash Guarantee may be used in conjunction with eligible grant(s) providing the entire Cash Guarantee deposit be applied as a down payment toward the purchase transaction. Grants do not allow for any type of cash back to Buyer(s) at closing. Membership subject to eligibility. ESL is a registered service mark of ESL Federal Credit Union.