Receive Documents Electronically

ESL Business Agreement to Receive Documents Electronically

I am an authorized representative of a member in good standing at ESL Federal Credit Union ("ESL") and I desire to have my business disclosures and statements of business accounts delivered to me in electronic form rather than in paper form. I understand that this agreement applies to all statements and disclosures related to my business accounts at ESL including:

  • Business savings and business checking account statements, whether delivered monthly or quarterly, including Business Money Maker, Business Certificate, etc.
  • Business loan statements of accounts related to other credit related products, including my business mortgage, business line of credit, and other business loan statements.
  • Tax forms.
  • Annual meeting notices.
  • All disclosures normally required to be made by law, in connection with any service I may have or which I may obtain in the future from ESL.

I understand that not all such disclosures are now available electronically from ESL and that ESL may, from time to time, notify me electronically of the availability of such disclosures and statements in electronic form. At such time as they do become available, ESL will begin to send them to me electronically unless I elect to receive them in paper form.

I understand that when I agree to receive statements and disclosures electronically, I will not be receiving said statements and disclosures in paper form. I can decide not to receive documents electronically and begin receiving documents on paper by withdrawing this consent. I may withdraw consent by contacting ESL at 585.336.1000, submitting a request via a secure email within ESL Business Online Banking, emailing a request for the paper copy to ESL at, or by requesting a copy in writing at ESL Federal Credit Union, P.O. Box 92714, Rochester, NY 14692-8814. I will make this change at least one week prior to the next statement cycle or required disclosure cycle.

I may from time to time desire a single paper copy of a statement or disclosure. In that event I may obtain one by signing on to ESL Business Online Banking and print one, or by calling ESL at 585.336.1000, submitting a request via a secure email within ESL Business Online Banking, emailing a request for the paper copy to ESL at, or by requesting a copy in writing at ESL Federal Credit Union, P.O. Box 92714, Rochester, NY 14692-8814. If I require more than three such copies within any 30-day period, ESL may suggest that I discontinue the electronic service and resume receiving paper copies. The Business Banking Fee Schedule sets forth any costs for this service.

For purposes of receiving notices, I must provide my email address. If I change my email address, I will notify ESL of my new address within 30 days so my next disclosure, statement, or document may still be received electronically. I understand that a change of email address process is available through ESL Business Online Banking by clicking Change Email Address under Login Credentials.

I own a personal computer or similar device or I have regular access to a personal computer or similar device which provides me with access to ESL Business Online Banking and on which I can retrieve electronic mail notices from ESL. This computer must be capable of running a supported browser.

I agree that when I receive statements electronically, I will faithfully and promptly review the statements to ensure that there are no errors in the statement and that there has been no unauthorized use of my accounts. If I discover any such errors or unauthorized use, I will contact ESL immediately by telephone or email and file an appropriate report to stop any potential fraud or misuse of the business account(s) as soon as possible. I have received and reviewed the Business Electronic Funds Transfer Disclosure Statement and Agreement for full details.